Reflection of the life of street photography

SAY people, visual acuity of a photographer like an eagle. Or is it? Not the intention to describe the words of truth, but as a photographer is recognized that visual acuity is important to focus on the details of each object or incident which is seen. 

An interesting thing in photography is street photography in general terms among photographers known as street photography. 

In terms of definition, it means using the direct technique will produce the literal view, natural and native to a particular subject or situation. 

The technique dates back to the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th in Europe in conjunction with the creation of 35mm cameras that can be carried anywhere. 

Most of the work of street photography produced in 1890 and 1975. French photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson among the early pioneers. Era 20's, giving ample space to introduce the works of street photography. 

Unlike the photo journalism (photojournalism), which is exclusive and often produced by a single focus in mind. This aspect is directed in documentary form that can be sold to newspapers and magazines as the main ingredient. In nature, photo journalism can produce heavy news just by getting what is happening at the scene. 

Street photography can be translated into various forms of shooting as long as a foundation that does not conflict with the elements of photography. Simple techniques (candid) or directly can be categorized as one aspect of street photography. It also generated while walking down the street and take pictures without any purpose. 

Mostly covers the aspects of life, modes of society, socio-cultural system, behavior and environment. In detailing the subject of street photography, it would have related to human nature. Concentrated at locations open and specific example: around the streets, public places, metropolitan areas, over the village, daily markets, shopping complexes, historic buildings and others that can be translated this work in the form of street photography. 

Not the authors intention to unleash every detail of the location but it was enough to make the base location for 'war' with the work and the identity of the image itself. And independent scope as well as the basic field street photography. 

Sometimes the images recorded by leading to even it newsworthy enough to translate what is happening in the community environment in general.


Not all the images recorded have values ​​and basic, but in the context of news photography street photography it is more directly and have a creative point of view. In producing a creative work, a photographer must be sensitive to the surrounding circumstances. It also depends on the basic knowledge and skills of photography techniques. 

The main role should be emphasized is communication skills. Medium of communication between the main aspects of the basic street photography. If this is not looked into seriously, then it will 'kill' as a whole creating works which are chiefly in the context of human elements (human interest). 

Street photography as a medium (medium) has initiated a work-free for amateurs in particular. It is not surprising if the classes or widening the scope of discussion among them. Furthermore, the emergence of a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) are cheap and easily available. 

While walking around the city of Kuala Lumpur, I was greeted former photographer who has pioneered the street photography. He indicated the letter through the observation point if playing with the environment. 

'' Do not just look, look at the context of a more distant,'' said Omar Rizal on the environment if it is to 'fight' with the work of street photography. Age at dusk, but the experience and perspective about photography quite valuable. 

'' First time black and white. Process quite expensive hardware requirements. Not in the era of technology, you already know. My own grandson 15 years old already has his own camera,'' he said. 

Although the technological era without borders and the revival of the pre-photography era but the beginning of the emergence of photography should be taken into account. A professional photographer once told me:'' In the world of photography all done, we just repeat only. 

"Do not try to declare a major trigger as in the case now. Nothing to be proud of in addition to producing works that can be measured in common currency," said Abu Haniffah Darmansyah. 

Various forms of work could be translated into street photography. It is free as long as we are faced with daily activities and what is happening around the environment. Sometimes it can make this practice as a hobby. The views expressed by Kamal Sellehuddin professional photographer who is with an agency in Canada. 

'' Before, the time in Malaysia for six years I served the English-language newspaper, photography has become part of my hobby. Here (Canada), I was still practicing the same basic street photography. Unlike in Quebec who set the law in which the photographer had to ask permission to take pictures of subjects in advance. 

"Although such a situation, but still possible if the consent of the individuals that we record. To avoid any problems, leave enough signal requested by bowing before the recording starts. 

"All this is emphasized when the abuse aimed at embarrassing pictures taken of individuals in the picture or the picture used for exploitation (commercial advertising) without the consent of the individual. This practice activities that are not healthy,'' he told the writer. 

The author's experience in a professional working in mainstream newspaper journalism photo shows the photographer should be 'patient' in the piece that can be upheld an art production. A professional photographer once commend this order: "As long as there is life or new birth, as long as the photographs will not be extinct''.

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